How can we use crystals in our daily lives ?
Crystals have been within Mother Earth for millions of years, they have a healing energy that can benefit each and everyone of us. I have worked with crystals for more than 30 years, back when I first started, I can remember being taught that crystals would be available to mankind as their vibrations were needed. I didn't really understand this back then. Now thirty years on, I realise that there are so many crystals that have come out of the earth, many that were not available when I first found my love for crystals. We can work with crystals in many different ways, there is no right or wrong, but instead it is a personal choice, which will depend on each individual.
Wearing Crystals as Jewellery
Since the beginning of time people through all ages have worn crystals as jewellery. Beautiful crystal necklaces, brooches and rings have been found in ancient tombs of the great pharaohs. Wearing crystals allows them to interact with your bodies energy field and chakras in a positive way. You can set an intention for the crystal, throughout your day touching or holding the crystal will encourage emotional, mental and spiritual healing. Remember to cleanse the crystals frequently as they may also pick up and hold onto other peoples, and environmental energies.
Having a Crystal Altar in your Home
An altar can simply represent a sacred space where you can place your crystals and other spiritual items. This sacred place will allow you to bring spiritual energy and intention into your space.
When making your altar do it consciously, bring intention to the space.
Why are you adding the crystals ?
What energies are you wanting to bring to the space ?
Attend and be present with your space daily, keep it clean, bring your attention to the beautiful items that you place there.
Create your altar as you feel it should be, use your intuition, the altar will be as it should be for you, it can be as simple or elaborate as you feel it should be.
Take a bath or shower with your crystal
Incorporate crystals into your everyday routines. simply place water safe crystals in the bath with you. Place a crystal in the water you use to wash your face. Take a bath with candles and crystals around the bath area to incorporate their energies into your auric space whilst you relax and bathe, remembering your intention.
Place crystals in your home for decoration
Crystals placed around the home will energise areas, some will offer protection, some aid sleep and others bring feelings of relaxation. Choose crystals intuitively, use intention when placing them around the home. Black tourmaline at your home entrances will offer protection. Amethyst beside your bed may assist you to have a restful nights sleep.
Create a crystal grid
Crystal grids are when crystals are placed into a geometric sacral space. This will amplify the energies of the crystals. Think about what energies you want to work with. Choose your crystals intuitively. Place them into a grid pattern, you can place them onto a pre-made wooden, selenite or cloth grid, or you can place them throughout your home in a sacred geometric grid pattern. Most grids surround a central stone, which is the anchor for the energy of the grid, the surrounding crystals amplify the intention of the central crystal to the universe. when you have laid out the crystals in your grid, you will need to charge and activate the grid with your intention for manifestation.
Carry crystals with you everyday
You can place crystals in a small pouch, place them in your pocket or carry them in your purse. During the day, take hold of your crystal to assist you with grounding or with the intention to the purpose of what you are wanting the crystal to work on. You could take a beautiful garnet with the intention of being successful. A red jasper tumble stone to assist you to feel grounded. Citrine for joy, happiness and abundance.
Using crystals for meditation
Sitting quietly with a crystal of your choice, in meditation, will allow you to feel and sense it's energy vibrations.
Crystals have a way to attract you to them. If you go quietly into your mind, you will be drawn to the crystal which you intuitively need to work with.
Sitting or laying with a crystal in meditation will assist you to work with its energies, whilst balancing and aligning your chakras.
Find a quiet space, concentrate on your breathing, hold your crystal, sense it's energy. Wh

at do you feel ? Do you see colour ? Do any images enter into your mind ? There are many guided meditations that can help you.
There are so many ways to bring the beautiful energy vibrations of crystals into your life. In a crystal healing, crystals will be laid onto your body, often concentrating on the chakras, assisting them to align and open.